Effective treatments for Tendinitis

Tendinitis, or the more modern & inclusive term “tendinopathy” is a degenerative tissue condition.1 There may be one or more contributing causes to this degeneration. These include overuse, compressive forces (such as from ligament or bone), strained muscle, or friction forces on the tendon.2 In our athletic population, it is often a result of too much, too soon, too fast, or too new. This repetitive overload causes micro-trauma with failure to repair.2 These excess stresses result in disorganization of the collagen with an increase in many inflammatory markers. The tendon thickens but becomes weaker.2 Additionally, patients with tendinopathy often have spasms or “trigger points” in the muscle close to the tendon. These can cause constant tension on the tendon and aggravate the area

Giving Back To Our Community Through Art & Movement

Our new clinic location opened in Capitol Hill in May 2020, as Calgary was slowly coming out of its first lock-down. While the pandemic kept us from having the grand opening we dreamed of, we still wanted to find a meaningful way to connect and give back to the local neighbourhood we now call home.…

Prepping Your Body for Winter Activities: Rehabbing Knee Injuries

Over the past several months we have all faced a multitude of change and transitions in the ways we navigate our lives. These transitions can be hard, but they also present a unique opportunity for growth and development. With the return of snow around the corner many of us are anticipating getting back into our…

Diaphragm Breathing – By Jessie Dalton, PT

Breathing – sounds pretty simple, right? Although the act of actual breathing/taking a breath is regulated by our brain, our breathing pattern and muscle activity can actually change when we are in different types of situations.  For example, if you are experiencing a painful injury or high levels or stress and/or anxiety, your breathing pattern…

Categorized as Resources

Strategies For A Better Sleep – by Jessie Dalton, PT

Have you ever experienced those nights when you just can’t fall sleep? Or maybe you never feel rested after long night of sleep or you just end up tossing and turning? Having troubles with your sleep can be incredibly frustrating and negatively impact your personal, work and social interactions and relationships. Anxiety, depression and other…

We are opening our doors again with full precautions in place on May 11!

We are opening our doors again. The Downtown Clinic re-opens on May 11 and the Capitol Hill Clinic will open it’s doors for the first time on May 19. We are really looking forward to getting back to what we do best and get you feeling better again. We want to ensure we are completely…

Yoga is for Everybody.

In the scientific community, interest into the impact of yoga on numerous health conditions continues to grow. In the general population yoga is widely accepted to be of benefit to one’s physical, mental, and emotional health to various degrees.