4 Common Myths About Pelvic Health

  • Posted August 26, 2021

How much do you know about your pelvic floor health?

When it comes to our pelvic floor people are often not aware of what goes on “down there.” Since it is a topic we often shy away from, there are a lot of myths that keep us from taking action and correcting the problems we are dealing with. Unfortunately we tend to just live with these annoyances; but a few sessions with a pelvic floor physiotherapist can often correct the dysfunction. Allowing you to get back to the activities you love without experiencing pain or worrying about leakage.

MYTH #1 : It is normal to have urinary leakage following childbirth and as we age.
Although urinary leakage is very common it is not normal or something you have to put up with! Research has shown that pelvic floor physiotherapy should be the first line of treatment for urinary incontinence. If you are experiencing urinary leakage when coughing, sneezing, exercising or simply moving throughout your day, we would recommend a visit to a pelvic floor specialist. 

MYTH #2: It is normal to have pain when inserting a tampon
Inserting a tampon should not be painful. It is important to educate the women in our lives, including our teenage daughters, that this does not have to be painful. If you are experiencing pain with tampon insertion, we recommend a visit to a pelvic floor specialist.

MYTH #3: It is not normal to experience Diastasis Recti during pregnancy
The lengthening of the linea alba (connective tissue between the two sides of abdominals) is a natural adaptation during pregnancy to allow your body to accommodate your baby. However, the abdominal tissues should come back together and what you do during your pregnancy and early postpartum can help guide this process. If you are pregnant, or post-partum, we recommend a visit to a pelvic floor specialist to optimize your healing. 

MYTH #4: You should always pee ‘just in case’ before leaving the house.
The bladder is a muscle that is under involuntary control and can be trained to hold urine longer. If you find yourself urinating frequently (more than every 2-4 hours) try to ignore the first urge to urinate. This will help train your bladder to hold in urine longer. If you are struggling holding your bladder, or find yourself urinating ‘just in case’, we recommend a visit to a pelvic floor specialist. 

Take Action

When you book your pelvic health assessment at Ascent Health & Sport Therapy, it always starts with a conversation. You can expect to learn about the anatomy and function of the pelvic floor and how it relates to your specific concerns. Then you are ready to progress to any treatment or exercises.

Common conditions that we treat in the clinic include:
– Pelvic pain (including during intercourse)
– Pregnancy & post-natal care 
– Urinary and fecal incontinence
– Prolapse 
– Hip and low back pain. 

The goal with any treatment plan is to provide you with the tools you need to take an active role in your rehabilitation. 

Christine Hamill, Pelvic Health Physiotherapist at Ascent


If you want to know more about how to improve your Pelvic Health join our FREE Fall workshop on Monday September 27 at 7:00. Call 403-762-1200 to register.

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